Meet Our Holistic Team

Sharmistha Guha Majumdar

Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor & Founder

Founder of PranaShakti, Sharmistha grew up with a genuine love for holistic lifestyle. In 2009, she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder confirmed incurable by modern western medicine. Guided by her intuition, she opted Ayurveda and got completely cured in 6 months. Enamored with the ancient Indian medical science, she began her studies finally graduating as Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor from the premier Kerala Ayurveda Academy, USA.
Sharmistha specializes in personalized Diet and Nutrition Coaching focused primarily on reversing lifestyle diseases including obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension and hormonal imbalances.

Maryna Stasiuk

Ayurvedic Practitioner

Maryna is an Ayurvedic Practitioner graduated by Kerala Ayurveda Academy, Yoga Counselor graduated by American Institute of Vedic Studies, Mentor of Kerala Ayurveda Academy and Professional Member of NAMA. She was inspired by her family and wished to find a holistic way to care about nearest people. Made the first step from homeopathy then energy healing (Reiki) she finally came to Ayurveda. Studied Ayurveda from the root texts, brilliant Guru and Vaidya (Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Jayarajan Kodikannath).
Maryna is passionate about following Ayurveda in her daily routines and professional practice. Her aspiration is to bring ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to the worldwide, help people to be established in their health, teach, guide and support them on their Journey. She embraces each individual uniqueness as an important part of one’s own wellbeing and provides healing depends on particular physical or mental condition and constitution.